
Auction of 81 Large Alrosa diamonds

Alrosa to sell 81 large diamonds at auction in New York

Russia’s diamond producer Alrosa has started a rough diamond auction in New York, presenting 81 large gem-quality diamonds over 10.8 carats each, including unique stones transparent 98-ct diamond with yellowish hue and a diamond weighing over 100 carats, the company said in a statement on Tuesday.

“Such large and pure diamonds are extremely rare in nature. This is a real find, and we are proud that we can now offer such products around the world. Moreover, we brought to New York 20 fancy light yellow colored stones that are in great demand in the market,” Evgeny Agureev, the Member of the Executive committee, Director of the United Selling Organization Alrosa, was quoted as saying.

The auction is expected to gather more than 60 firms from the US, India, Israel, Belgium, the United Arab Emirates and Russia, Agureev added.

This is the second auction held by Russia’s diamond producer in New York this year. The first one was held in the period from April 23 to May 11. In total, 50 companies from world’s largest diamond trading centers, including seven firms from the US and 43 from Belgium, India, Israel and the United Arab Emirates, took part in it. The company sold 63 lots for $10.38 mln. “The US is the country with the highest demand for diamond jewelry, so it is very important for us to develop sales here,” Agureev said.

Results of the current auction will be summed up on October 9, 2018.

Alrosa is a leading diamond mining company with a 27% share of global diamond production. It has operations in Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and Arkhangelsk region, as well as Angola. The company operates 11 kimberlite pipes and 16 alluvial deposits. The shareholders are the Russian Federation – 33.02%, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) – 25%, districts of Yakutia – 8%, while 34% of shares are in free float.

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