
Course Fees

Fees for courses currently on offer - 2025 / 2026

There are no prerequisite educational requirements in order to enroll for the courses at the Corlia Roberts Diamond Education Institute

When ready to apply please complete the online enrollment form:

A 50% deposit of the course fee is required to confirm booking.

Payments can be made by direct transfer to our bank account below

FNB (First National Bank)
Corlia Roberts Institute of Diamonds / Account No.62813324754
Branch Code: 220-128 (Universal 250-655)
Code swift/BIC: FIRNZAJJ

The Corlia Roberts Instiute of Diamonds has been in existence for over 31 years and is well equipped to ensure thorough and professional training and course presentation, which has given many an excellent grounding in their respective fields and careers in the diamond industry. Our personalized tuition with highly experienced lecturers ensures professional skills transfer. Please do not hesitate to contact the CR TEAM personally should you require any additional information.

Corlia Roberts - +27) 79 969 9580

Xanchia Roberts - +27) 79 969 9580 / +27) 82 495 2586

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