Israel Diamond Week – New York Fourth Edition October 19-22, 2015

Israel Diamond Week – New York

Israel Diamond Week New York Registration for Fourth Edition  October 19-22, 2015,  is now easier than ever!
Ramat Gan, Israel – September 21, 2015: Following a few hick-ups in the online registration module, registration for the fourth edition of the Israel Diamond Week – New York has now been made easier than ever! Diamond buyers interested in attending this exclusive diamond buying event are requested to register HERE. The Israel Diamond Week in New York will be held on the trading floor of the Diamond Dealers Club of New York, at 580 Fifth Avenue in midtown Manhattan, October 19-22, 2015.
 Israel Diamond Week - New York
Invitation to Israel Diamond Week in New York – October, 2015 

About a hundred Israeli diamond traders will be joining their American colleagues on the DDC trading floor during the week.  DDC President Reuven Kaufman and Israel Diamond Exchange President Shmuel Schnitzer issued a statement saying that by joining the two bourses’ forces for the week, buyers would enjoy access to unprecedented varieties and quantities of polished diamonds on the DDC trading floor. “The DDC and IDE compliment each other. We expect, once again, to create many win-win diamond business scenarios for the members of both bourses and the visiting buyers, toward the holiday sales season!”

DDC President Reuven Kaufman explaining why these events work so well. 
Israel Diamond Week in NYC – Free Registration !
Registration Information:
Type: Israel Diamond Exchange will be exhibiting stocks at the Diamond Dealers Club of NY
Exhibitors: 100 Israel Diamond Exchange Members will arrive to NYC and offer verity of stock for sale
Buyers: Registration is FREE of charge for buyers who wish to attend the event
Need Assistance in registration? Contact:
 Israel Diamond Week
The Israel Diamond Week in NYC

If you are not a member of a diamond bourse and would like to attend the event, you will need to indicate 1/2/3 contact people that can provide reference on you and your business in order to attend Israel Diamond Week.

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