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Synthetic Diamonds – Laboratory-Grown

Synthetic Diamonds – Laboratory-grown

Americans Do Not Consider Diamonds Created in a Factory to Be Real Diamonds:

New National Survey Shows Consumers Recognize Only Natural Diamonds as the Real Deal

Harris Poll Survey Real Diamonds


Diamond Producers Association (DPA) 

May 24, 2018, 08:00 ET

NEW YORKMay 24, 2018 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — New survey results released by the Diamond Producers Association (DPA) and The Harris Poll demonstrate that a clear majority of American consumers recognize that diamonds created in a factory (also known as “synthetic” or “laboratory-grown”) are not “real” diamonds.

Nearly seven in 10 (68 percent) of survey respondents made such a distinction, with a significant majority saying synthetic diamonds are not real because they are not “natural,” nor “from the earth,” or because they are made by man.

Just 16 percent of respondents consider laboratory-grown diamonds to be real diamonds.

“Diamonds are billion-year-old treasures of the Earth that came to us very, very slowly, which makes them uniquely meaningful in today’s on-demand world,” said DPA Chief Executive Officer Jean-Marc Lieberherr. “At a time when everything ‘artificial’ aims to compete with, and replace, ‘natural’ and ‘real,’ these results show consumers care about the inherent value, authenticity and symbolism that a diamond carries.”

Consumers described diamonds as “genuine,” “natural” and “authentic.” They called laboratory-grown diamonds “man-made,” “artificial” and “imitation.”

“Each natural diamond possesses a fingerprint that is tens of millions of years in the making,” Mr. Lieberherr said. “As consumers across generations have demonstrated, and this research confirms, ‘Real Matters.’ The emotion and heritage carried by natural diamonds cannot be replicated in a factory.”

Laboratory-grown diamonds are produced in two to three weeks in a factory environment. The differences between natural diamonds and laboratory-grown diamonds go well beyond their origin.  Their inclusions and growth structures carry the marks of their very different birth process, which is how they are easily recognizable using specialist equipment. Laboratory-grown diamonds and real diamonds also carry very different emotional and monetary value. Natural diamonds are inherently rare and valuable, whereas laboratory grown diamonds are produced rapidly and at scale, limiting their value and negating resale value.

Conducted May 3-7, the DPA-Harris Interactive poll surveyed a nationally representative sample of 2,000 people. The new survey adds to a body of credible and statistically significant surveys conducted in the past year by DPA. This research underpins DPA’s goals of better understanding consumers’ knowledge and preferences and of fostering transparency within the marketplace about the differences between natural diamonds, laboratory-grown diamonds and other forms of imitation diamonds.

About the Diamond Producers Association (DPA):
The Diamond Producers Association is an international alliance of the world’s leading diamond mining companies who are united in their commitment to best-in-class ethical and sustainable operations and transparent business practices. Together, DPA members represent the majority of the world diamond production. The DPA mission is to protect and promote the integrity and reputation of diamonds, and of the diamond industry.

How to identify Synthetic Diamonds

See also LightboxJewelry

1 thought on “Synthetic Diamonds – Laboratory-Grown”

  1. “Lightbox will transform the lab-grown diamond sector by offering consumers a lab-grown product they have told us they want but aren’t getting: affordable fashion jewelry that may not be forever, but is perfect for right now,” said Bruce Cleaver, the CEO of De Beers Group, in a statement.

    For De Beers the trick is walking a fine line between acknowledging that there’s no real difference between the lab-grown products it’s shilling and the higher-end stones that it mines without making the jewelry come off as sounding cheap.

    It’s also a bid to undercut the legitimacy of competitors that are trying to impinge on De Beers’ high-end turf.

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